In the study, Christopher Opie of University College London and colleagues used statistical methods to assess three competing scenarios previously proposed to explain why monogamy evolved. The scenarios are: a male forms a pair to& ...
infanticide methods used
But instead of predicting the future, we used the methods to predict the past, finding that it was infanticide risk that provided the strongest evolutionary incentives for pairing up.” Infants are most vulnerable when they are fully dependent on their& ...
The Science Recorder noted that the study, reported Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, used a method called Bayesian statistics. Researchers used strict criteria to evaluate previously& ...
Christopher Opie and colleagues used statistical methods to evaluate three competing hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the evolution of monogamy: a male forms a pair to prevent the female from mating with& ...
In the study, Christopher Opie of University College London and colleagues used statistical methods to assess three competing scenarios previously proposed to explain why monogamy evolved. The scenarios are: a male forms a pair to& ...
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