Then there was a glimpse into the dark maw of the Party`s interrogation machine. Mr Bo revealed that “for the most part”, his guards had been polite and that he had been fed “adequately”. But in his cell there was no shortage& ...
interigation machine
"A real explosion of artistic and intellectual energy took place in Ljubljana during the 1980s, the impact of which reverberated throughout the global cultural landscape. Alexei Monroe not only describes this explosion but transmits its energy to& ...
Presentations of the German edition of Alexei Monroe`s INTERROGATION MACHINE LAIBACH & NSK: Die Inquisitionsmaschine im Kreuzverhör and.
On the 2nd of September at 19.00 there will be a special event to accompany Laibach`s MONUMENTAL RETRO-AVANT-GARDE installation at Wonderloch-Kellerland. Alexei.
Then there was a glimpse into the dark maw of the Party`s interrogation machine. Mr Bo revealed that “for the most part”, his guards had been polite and that he had been fed “adequately”. But in his cell there was no shortage& ...
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